Esther Erlich is a Melbourne-based Australian artist who has been exhibiting since 1985. She won the 1998 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with her painting, “Gaunt and Glorious” a portrait of Steve Moneghetti. In 2000 Esther won the Archibald People’s Choice Award with her painting of Bill Leak.
Her works can be found in the collections of the National Library of Australia, the National Portrait Gallery, ALP Building Canberra, Council for Adult Education Victoria, Royal Overseas League Australian Collection, Performing Arts Museum Victoria.
2020 July finalist Kilgour Art Prize NSW. June solo exhibition Panter and Hall London.
March Finalist Percival Portrait Painting Prize Qld
February exhibiting at the LA Art Show (USA) booth #737, represented by Panter and Hall (London)
2019 August Finalist Portia Geach Memorial Award (Sydney).
November Finalist in the Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award Grafton Regional Gallery.
2018 November Finalist Black Swan Prize AGWA (Perth). October Finalist Portia Geach Memorial Award (Sydney). November. Finalist Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award, Grafton regional Gallery
April Finalist, Highly Commended, Percival Portrait Painting Prize, Qld.
2017 October Finalist Portia Geach Memorial Award (Sydney)
October Semi Finalist Doug Moran National Portrait Prize
2016 August Finalist Kilgour Prize Newcastle Art Gallery.
August Finalist Paul Guest Drawing Prize Bendigo Art Gallery.
May Finalist in the Percival Portrait Painting Prize Perc Tucker Regional Gallery QLD
2015 September Finalist in the Hobart City Art Prize (TMAG Tasmania).
August exhibiting in “Pain/ting” curated by Juan Arata. at Open Walls Gallery Berlin.
March NYAAF with Panter and Hall London
2014 Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award (Sydney).
Finalist in the Paul Guest Drawing Prize Bendigo Art Gallery
Finalist in the Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing (Sydney)
Finalist in the Rick Amor Drawing Prize (Ballarat Art Gallery)
PLAIN curated by Dr Guy Morag 2013 international artists touring exhibition (Israel)
2012 Finalist in the Black Swan Prize (WA)
2011 Finalist in the Charlatan Ink Art Prize NY (USA)
Finalist in the Black Swan Prize (WA)
2009 Finalist in the Banyule Works on Paper Award
Exhibited in the James Farrell Invitation Self Portrait Award (Castlemaine Art Gallery)
Finalist in the Black Swan Art Prize (WA)
Selected for the Archibald salon des Refuse (National Trust SH Ervin Gallery Sydney)
2008 Finalist in the Black Swan Prize for Portraiture (WA)
Finalist in the Shirley Hannan Art prize.
Selected for the Salon des Refuse exhibition (National Trust SH Ervin Gallery & Tweed River Art Gallery)
2007 Finalist in the Archibald Prize with “Tim” (portrait of Tim Rogers)
Finalist in the Dobell Prize at the AGNSW
Finalist in the Hutchins Art Prize (Tasmania) “Grunt” was purchased by Hutchins
Finalist in the Whyalla Art Prize (South Australia)
Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award
2006 Exhibited in the Delhi Art & Design Fair, and Australian High Commission Delhi India. Exhibited in Art Singapore, stand AP03 Suntec Singapore
Exhibited March in group show at New Delhi India, Gurgaon (Gallery Alternatives)
Finalist in the Doug Moran National Portrait prize.
2005 Finalist in the Archibald Prize with “Lindy Wills”.Finalist in the Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize. Finalist in the Banyule Works on Paper Art Award.
Curated in “Lost and Found” digital sequences of images displayed at Federation Square (Melb)
2002 Finalist in the Archibald Prize with “Deborah Conway” & included in the Salon des Refuse with “Man Working”( portrait of Colin Hay).
Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award. December painting of Lynne Golding exhibited as Victorian Arts Centre’s Artwork of the Month”
2001 invited to exhibit in the National Tour of, “Portraits 2001 – An Australian Odyssey”.Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award.
2000 Winner of the Archibald Prize Peoples’ Choice Award in Sydney & Melbourne with ”Never Been Better”,( portrait of Bill Leak). Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award.
1999 Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award
1998 : Winner of the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with “Gaunt and Glorious”,( portrait of Steve Moneghetti).Finalist in thePortia Geach Memorial Award
1996 Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award
1995 Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award
1993 included in the Salon des Refuses (Archibald).
Exhibited at the International Womens’ Exhibition in Kyushu’ Japan
1990 Finalist in the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize.
1989 Finalist in the Winsor Newton Prize (Sydney). Finalist in the Portia Geach Memorial Award. Second prize winner of the 1987 VTU Art Prize.
September 2020 “Intimate Distance” Fox Galleries (Melbourne)
June 2020 “The Beholder” Panter and Hall, London
June 2019 “Audacious” Fox Galleries (Melbourne)
June 2018 “The Female Gaze” Fox Galleries (Melbourne)
Dec 2016-Jan 2017 Qdos Gallery (Lorne)
June 2016 Work on Paper Frances Keevil Gallery (Sydney)
Feb 2015 Frances Keevil Gallery (Sydney)
March 2014 “Invisible” Libby Edwards Gallery (Melbourne)
November 2013 “Farenheit” 19 Karen (Queensland)
August 2013 Perth Concert Hall -in conjunction with Gadfly Gallery (WA)
December 2012 “Rapscallions” Libby Edwards Galleries (Melbourne)
October 2012 “Sirens Ablazing” Gadfly Gallery (Perth)
July 2012 “Traffic Jam” Richard Martin Art (Sydney)
September 2011 “Curiouser” Libby Edwards Galleries (Melbourne)
November 2010 “Animal Instinct” Richard Martin Art (Sydney)
October 2010 “Menagerie” Gadfly Gallery (Perth)
April 2010 Jinks Creek Winery Gallery (Vic)
March 2010 “You Know You Want To” Libby Edwards Galleries (Melbourne)
June 2009 “Hand in Glove” Gadfly Gallery (Perth)
September 2008 “Subtext” Libby Edwards Galleries (Brisbane)
February 2008 “Tiaras and Boxing Gloves” Libby Edwards Galleries(Sydney) November 2007 “Works on Paper” Libby Edwards Galleries (Brisbane)
November 2007 “Encore” Perth Concert Hall (WA)
October 2007 Jinks Creek Winery “Superheroes & Celebrities”
July 2007 “Human Kinds” Gadfly Gallery (Perth)
February 2007 “Ties that Bind” Libby Edwards Galleries (Melbourne)
September 2006 “Modest” Libby Edwards Galleries (Brisbane)
February 2006 “Emancipated” Libby Edwards Galleries (Sydney)
April 2005 “Go Figure” Gadfly Gallery (Perth)
May 2005 Perth Concert Hall
November 2004 “Rumors” Libby Edwards Galleries (Melbourne)
May 2004 “Confection” Barry Newton Gallery (Adelaide)
September 2003 “Wall Flowers” Libby Edwards Galleries (Sydney)
August 2003 Portraits Retrospective Libby Edwards Galleries (Melbourne)
May 2003 “Hairspray” Bark Modern Art (Hong Kong)
October 2002 Barry Newton Gallery (Adelaide)
July 2002 “Basic Black” Libby Edwards Galleries (Melb)
February 2002 “Pick-up Lines’ Libby Edwards Galleries (Sydney)Works on Pap
August 2001 “Hoopla” Libby Edwards Galleries (Sydney)
September 2000 Libby Edwards Galleries (Sydney) Miniatures
August 2000 “No Standing” Libby Edwards Galleries (Melbourne)
December 1999 Libby Edwards Galleries (Sydney) Recent Acrylics
February 1999 “Suburban Spectacles” Libby Edwards Galleries
March 1996 Convent Gallery (Daylesford) “Realm of the Knave’
April 1994 “The Joker is Wild” Libby Edwards Galleries
December 1993 New Robin Group (Japan)
July 1993 Barry Newton Gallery (Adelaide)
November 1992 Barry Newton Gallery (Adelaide)
June 1991 Libby Edwards Galleries
March 1990 Libby Edwards Galleries
April 1989 Weather Vane Gallery (Flinders)
May 1988 Toorak Library
November 1987 Graphic Illusions
September 1986 Graphic Illusions
July 1984 Young Originals
Februry 2020 “Sparks” Fox Galleries Melbourne
November 2018 Pop up show Como Centre (Melbourne) with Fox Galleries
October 2018 Frances Keevil Gallery (Sydney)
October 2017 Pop Up Show – 550 Swan Street Richmond- (Melbourne)
November 2016 Trailblazing Women Exhibition, (Melbourne)
March 2014 Guest Artist, Panter and Hall (London)
February 2014 Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing (Sydney)
January 2014 Rick Amor Drawing Prize (Art Gallery of Ballarat)
July 2012 Gallery One (gold coast)
October 2011 “Plain” curated by Dr Guy Morag exhibiting 240 international artists in a touring exhibition in Israel
Nov 2010 “Hang Your Doodle” Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
July 2010 Richard Martin Art, Sydney
November 2009 Hill Smith Gallery, Adelaide
November 2009 Castlemaine Art Gallery- J.F. Invitation Self Portrait Award
March 2009 SH Ervin Pavillion National Trust Salon des refuse
June 2008. Bega Valley regional Gallery, portrait exhibition.
March 2008 Salon Des Refuse at SH Ervin Gallery & Tweed River Regional Gallery
October 2007 Hutchins Art Prize at The Long Gallery (Tasmania)
October 2007 Chairs for Charity at Flemington Atrium
September 2007 Portia Geach Award at SH Ervin Gallery
August 2007 Dobell Prize for drawing at the Art Gallery of NSW
March 2007 Archibald Prize at AGNSW; Mural Hall Melb; Manning , Grafton, Bega Valley and Broken hill Regional Galleries,
October 2006 Artwork for Baby Proms at Sydney Opera House
September 2006 Art Singapore at Stand AP03 Suntec Singapore
October 2006 Art and design Fair New Delhi at the Australian High Commission
April 2006 Moments in Art at Chapel Galleries- Chapel off Chapel
March 2006 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize at State Library of NSW
October 2005 Banyule Works on Paper at Banyule Art Space
April 2005 “The Body in Question” G.W.Bot, Esther Erlich, Barbie Kjar at Gadfly Gallery Perth
April 2005 Archibald Prize at AGNSW; Newcastle & Albury Regional Art Galleries;
Moree Plains Gallery; Cowra Art Gallery & Victoria Arts Centre
October 2005 National Small Sculpture Prize at Woollahra Municipal Council
March 2005 Lost and Found”, Curators & Artists digital sequences of images and text creating double narratives for 3 artists; Olive Cotton, Rosalie Cogan and Esther Erlich, out of the Archives of the Women’s Art Register. Displayed at Federation Square Melbourne, Gertrude St Contemporary Art Spaces, RMIT Gallery.
February 2004 “Precious Platters “ Jewish Museum of Australia, at Sotheby’s
April 2003 Kosher Culture The Jewish Museum
July 2003 Superstars Unzipped , , Jeans for Genes Retrospective Sydney Town Hall
April 2003 Jewish Museum of Australia, Kosher Culture
September 2002 Portia Geach Award at SH Ervin Gallery
August 2002 Gadfly Gallery (WA)
July 2002 AGNSW Jeans for Genes Generations Art Exhibition
June 2002 Archibald Prize AGNSW; George Adams Gallery (Melb) & regional tour
June 2002 Salon des Refuse at SH Ervin Gallery Sydney
December 2001 Portraits 2001 – An Australian Odyssey touring Logan,Toowoomba,Shepparton,and Tamworth City Art Galleries and, Dalby,Hervy Bay, Manning, Portr Macquarie-Hastings,
Tweed River; Port Pirie, and Albury Regional Art Galleries
December 2001 Victorian Arts Centre selected as artwork of the month.
September 2001 Portia Geach Award at SH Ervin Gallery
July 2001 Jeans for Genes, Sydney
September 2000 Portia Geach award at SH Ervin Gallery
March 2000 Archibald Prize at AGNSW , George Adams Gallery and Regional tour
September 1999 Portia Geach Award SH Ervin Gallery (Sydney)
July 1999 Jeans for Genes- Museum of Contemporary Art (Sydney)
April 1999 Marymount Arts Festival (Queensland) featured artist
October 1998 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize at National Gallery Victoria & State Library of NSW
September 1998 Portia Geach Award at SH Ervin Gallery
August 1998 Mary Place Gallery (Sydney)
March 1998 Retrospecta II. Motorworks Gallery featured artist
December 1997 Libby Edwards Galleries
September 1996 Portia Geach Award at SH Ervin Galllery
February 1996 Grand Central Gallery, World in a Matchbox
October 1995 Portia Geach Memorial Award exhibition; SH Ervin Gallery (Sydney)
January 1995 Ten New Artists , Holdsworth Gallery (Sydney)
March 1994 “The Nude in Art” Barry Newton Gallery (Adelaide)
December 1993 Libby Edwards Galleries
November 1993 Libby Edwards Galleries
July 1993 International Womens Exhibition at the Kyushu Municipal Gallery Japan
March 1993 Salon des Refuse at SH Ervin Gallery Sydney
March 1993 Holdsworth Gallery (Sydney)
October 1992 Libby Edwards Gallery
December 1990 Portraits of Australia DMNPP Sydney Opera House
September 1989 Portia Geach Award at SH Ervin Gallery (Sydney)
June 1989 Figurative Exhibition Libby Edwards Galleries
December 1988 National Gallery of Vic, On a Clothesline
March/July 1986 Freeman Gallery (Hobart)
April/July/Oct. 1983 Young Originals Gallery
National Portrait Gallery , “The Hon. Jim Carlton AO with Cravat”
Tweed Valley Regional Art Gallery , “Gaunt and Glorious”(Steve Moneghetti)
National Library ACT , “Louis Kahan”, “Andrew Sibley” and pencil study for Gaunt and Glorious.
Hutchins Foundation Collection, “Grunt II”
Holocaust Museum Vic. “Mr Socolovitz”
ALP Building Canberra, “Barry Jones”
Royal Overseas League, Australian Collection, “Nine Two Nine”
Performing Arts Museum, Victorian Arts Centre, “Lynne Golding”
Council for Adult Education, “Warming Up”
Macrobertson Girls High School, portrait of Leslie Boston
Mentone Girls High School, portrait of Jill Dargue
St Catherine’s School, portrait of Laraine Sharr
(2020) Modern Seasons The Great Curve, (book 3, Spring) The Intimate Distance
(2013 )Illustration for Jonathan’s Thongs by Susan Kliman
(2014) illustration for One Breast, Two Breasts by Susie Kliman
Let’s Face It – The History of the Archibald Prize by Peter Ross and AGNSW.
Gallery (Dec.2000 – Jan.2001 edition) National Gallery of Victoria publication.
Portrait of Louis Kahan front and back covers of The National Library of Australia’s 38th Annual Report 1997 – 1998.
Illustrations for,”Making Conversation” 1996 ,Intercom Publishing House, Japan.
Included in Who’s Who of Australian Visual Artists by D.W. Thorpe, November 1995
Cover, Artwork and Article feature in,”Generation Journal’ November 1993, March 1995 and September 1998 issues.
Illustration featured in,”Marmalade’s Book of Cats” distributed by Tower books
Cover and Article – 1991 December Issue of Australian Artist
Included in,”Portraits of Australia” 1990 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize Collection
Cover Illustration – Angus and Robertson’s “Middle Aged Maidens by Gwen Kelly
SAA Painters “Video into Art Series”, Schmelling Artvideo Australia.