BORN 1953 Melbourne
Gordon Richards eventually established a career as a chef an by the time he left Melbourne he was recognised as one of the most innovative chefs in Victoria. He was highly acclaimed for the farming of his own escargot, yabbies and organically grown herbs and produce which were presented in flamboyant style on the menus at The Eagle Hawk Restaurant, Maldon and the Shamrock Hotel, Bendigo.
In the early 90’s his passion for drawing and painting and his artistic talents and energy were re-channelled… and so began his extraordinary career as an artist. The Result was the emergence of an instinctive style producing bold, humorous yet poignant reflections of the human form in all its frailty.
1995 The Waiting Series Fine Art Stockroom, Brisbane
1996 Feast Your Eyes Jan Murphy Gallery, Brisbane
1996 One Man Exhibition The Queen Street Fine Art Gallery, Sydney
1996 Emerging Artists The Queen Street Fine Art Gallery, Sydney
1997 Solo Exhibition Libby Edwards Gallery, Melbourne
1997 Solo Exhibition Jan Murphy Galley, Brisbane
1998 One Man Exhibition Libby Edwards Gallery, Melbourne
1999 One Man Exhibition Jan Murphy Gallery, Brisbane
2000 Contemporary Australian Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo
2000 Blown Away – Solo Show Libby Edwards Gallery, Sydney
2000 Take Me Home Baby Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery, Sydney
2001 One Man Exhibition Jan Murphy Gallery, Brisbane
2003 La Dolce Vita Art Galleries Schubert, Gold Coast
2003 New Works Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery, Sydney
2005 A Soirée for Gordon Richards Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery, Sydney