Patju Presley (1945) was born in the 1940s at Itaratjara, an important site between to the community settlement of Watarru and Kalayapiti in the Great Victoria Desert. He is a senior Pitjantjatjara Law man with great knowledge of the geography of the Western Desert and the associated Tjukurpa. His intimate knowledge of the country is directly related to survival in this beautiful but sometimes harsh environment learned from the generations of his ancestors.
His artworks are in the following prestigious collections:
Art Gallery Of Western Australia, Perth, Wa
The National Gallery Of Australia, Canberra, Act
National Gallery Of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria.
The Art Gallery Of New South Wales, Sydney, Nsw
The Corrigan Collection, Australia
The Kaplan-Levi Collection, Usa
University Of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane, Qld.
Art Gallery Of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia (Mens Collaborative)
Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Qld.
Murdoch University Collection, Perth, Wa